Divisions, Rules and Parent/Coach Conduct Statement
Please note that the division logic has changed since Spring 2024.
U6 - born 2019 or later
U8 - born 2017 or later
U10 - born 2015 or later
U12 - born 2013 or later
U15 - born 2010 or later
Players may get permission to "play up" in an older age group but cannot play in a younger division.
Look for these ages when registering your child.
See the documents below for the parent/coach conduct statement, division rules and the FIFA Laws of the Game.
PGSI Statement on Parent/Coach Conduct during games
PGSI Division Rules - updated Fall 2024
FIFA Laws of the Game 2018
U6 - born 2019 or later
U8 - born 2017 or later
U10 - born 2015 or later
U12 - born 2013 or later
U15 - born 2010 or later
Players may get permission to "play up" in an older age group but cannot play in a younger division.
Look for these ages when registering your child.
See the documents below for the parent/coach conduct statement, division rules and the FIFA Laws of the Game.
PGSI Statement on Parent/Coach Conduct during games
PGSI Division Rules - updated Fall 2024
FIFA Laws of the Game 2018
PGSI Covid Policy
PGSI will in all instances rely on public health guidance to determine how to best balance the health interests of league participants. When public guidance changes, the league may make changes to its rules, including rules about masking, vaccination, and social distancing. PGSI will likewise rely on public health guidance in determining whether there should come a time that it is necessary to suspend the season.
PGSI will in all instances rely on public health guidance to determine how to best balance the health interests of league participants. When public guidance changes, the league may make changes to its rules, including rules about masking, vaccination, and social distancing. PGSI will likewise rely on public health guidance in determining whether there should come a time that it is necessary to suspend the season.